Senior Adult "Golden Eagles"

President: Deborah Burrell


“Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come."    Psalm 71:18

The Senior Adult Caring Ministry "GOLDEN EAGLES" was established for the senior members of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church family and surrounding communities ages 55 years old and above.


The mission of the Senior Adult Caring Ministry of Mt. Zion Baptist Church is to honor God by providing caring, practical, emotional and spiritual support and services to our senior adults, creating and opportunities for fellowship and adventure, and reaching lost and unchurched senior adults.


The Senior Adults Ministry of Mt. Zion Baptist Church exists for the purpose of providing Christ-centered activities addressing the spiritual, educational and social needs of older men and women. Our purpose is to communicate and share God’s love to those in the church family, and to those outside the church.  The idea behind the senior adult ministry and the activities is that they exist for the purpose of serving, not being served; of giving, not receiving.

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The “Golden Eagles” monthly scheduled fellowship meetings are every second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon.  Along with a light lunch, informational meetings are added to educate senior adults in a variety of areas including encouraging healthy lifestyles, medication management, legal and financial instruction as well as referring them to the proper agencies and organization that will be able to provide many of their needs.  We have corporate prayer for any special needs of the members. We even have an Annual Day for seniors, “Super Senior Sunday”.  Seniors are in charge of the morning worship service.           

Quarterly fellowship outings and trips are planned which give our senior adults an opportunity to visit different places and experience a time of fun and enjoyment in their lives.  These include lunch and some interesting places.

We share in a diverse fellowship of men and women who have entered a different phase of life - people who have adult children, people who are retired, people who are pursuing second careers, people who have lost their spouses, and people who have become grandparents. While some have greater physical and emotional needs than others, all share in the common need for salvation through Christ and the need to be valued, productive servants of Christ. Older adults are respected as active vital members of the church.

Our objective is not to isolate older adults but to integrate their gifts and energies for the benefit of the entire church family. Thus, the Senior Adults Ministry “GOLDEN EAGLES” of Mt. Zion Baptist Church is...

* A ministry of CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP maintaining the unification of the church family.

* A ministry of CHRISTIAN ENCOURAGEMENT reinforcing the value of each individual to God and to the church family.


* A ministry of CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP building positive fulfilling relationships.


* A ministry of CHRISTIAN COMPASSION providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support.


*A ministry of CHRISTIAN OUTREACH not limiting our focus to members of the local congregation but responding to all people as we have opportunity to share the love of Christ. Our goal is to be able to reach out into the community and beyond to those senior adults who are in need physically and spiritually. Many have joined us from other churches and communities.